Monday, January 12, 2015

Review: Fuzzy Hair Drying Gloves

I don't have a pic of them at the moment, so I will describe them. These are pink, fuzzy, microfiber, soft, hair drying gloves. They dry hair because they are microfiber, and absorb the excess water in your hair. This makes my hair dry about 30 minutes faster! These are WONDERFUL! You should most definitely try them!!! You can probably find them on Amazon, at Wal-Mart, Target, etc. These are a specific brand, and as soon as I find out I will post a picture, and the exact name of the product, and a link to the website of the brand, or amazon. BOTTOM LINE: YES, try these, they are wonderful! Please check back for an update! :)

                                                                      CLARA ♥♥♥♥♥♥

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